Picture yourself welcomed into a faraway village in the Andes Mountains of Peru, where the orchard spread before you glows with a brilliant pink hue. You watch a shower of berries fall, shaken to the ground by harvesters beneath the South American sun. The harvesters rub and separate the berries by hand, creating a rustling sound. Dried by the wind, the pink berries are then held up and allowed to fall through the air. After experiencing what appeared like a flurry of pink snow, you see the peppercorns scooped into bags to be distilled. You’ve just observed the beginning of dōTERRA® Pink Pepper essential oil!
The aroma of Pink Pepper is both fruity and woody. It’s a popular ingredient in fine perfumes because of its calming and pleasantly spicy quality; and it’s also known for promoting invigoration and alertness to surroundings. Blending Pink Pepper with floral and citrus oils beautifully highlights and maximizes its unique aromatic profile, as you’ll see in this diffuser blend:
Hues of Sunrise
• 2 drops Pink Pepper
• 2 drops Geranium
• 2 drops Bergamot
Taken internally, Pink Pepper oil can help support healthy digestive, respiratory, and immune systems. If you’re looking for an easy, feel-good way to try the flavor of Pink Pepper, use it to prep a quick and satisfying breakfast for tomorrow morning. Whip up a dōTERRA Power Bowlby combining 1 cup quinoa, 2 tablespoons chia seeds, 1 tablespoon almond butter, 1tablespoon honey, 1 drop Pink Pepper, and 1 cup nut milk of choice in a serving bowl. Let it sitin the refrigerator overnight. Then top with blueberries and sliced bananas in the morning! ThisPink Pepper Power Bowl would also make for a great lunch, if you prefer to place it on yourmenu as a noonday pick-me-up.
Is anyone else wondering what these pink peppercorn-shaped fruits taste like on their own? Ifyou ever get the chance to try one, be aware that they’re botanically related to cashews; sothose with cashew allergies may want to stick to enjoying Pink Pepper aromatically. (And ifyou’re among the no-cashew crowd, just tweak your Power Bowl recipe to contain a favoriteingestible oil that’s not so closely related to your nut nemesis.)
Cozy up close to the mist emitting from your diffuser, because Pink Pepper is similar to Frankincense when it comes to supporting a healthy body on the microscopic cellular level. Take advantage of the oil’s soothing, supportive nature by combining it with both citrus and fir in a clarifying diffuser blend.
Crisp and Clean
• 2 drops Pink Pepper
• 4 drops Green Mandarin
• 3 drops Siberian Fir
The fragrant, drought-hardy pink pepper tree, native to Peru, really is a gift of the earth. Theancient Incas certainly knew this, as they used every part of this evergreen, from bark toberries, in some fashion. And the Peruvian harvesters of today, along with their families, now know it too. To think these wild pink pepper trees were once left unharvested is remarkable! New jobs were created when dōTERRA partnered with harvesters to utilize pink peppercornberries that were already ripe for the picking, making them useful to us in the form of Pink Pepper oil. With the power to relax our all-too-frayed nervous systems and support our mood, these powerful pink berries are beckoning.